
Strategies to Help Your Website Convert

Website Tips

February 11, 2021

3 Strategies to Help Your Website Convert

Are you a creative entrepreneur or badass boss babe looking to uplevel your business and your life? Welcome to the Dream It Design It podcast, where we pull back the curtain on what it really means to be a successful entrepreneur, the ups and downs it takes to get there and every moment in between. If you're ready to uplevel your business and your life, if you can dream it, we can design it. I can't wait to see you on the other side.  In this episode, we are chatting about 3 Strategies to Help Your Website Convert.

Related: 5 Tools and Apps To Help Your Website Convert

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What's up dreamers welcome to the first episode of the Dream It Design It podcast. I am beyond thrilled that you're listening to this podcast because that means that you are someone who values personal and business growth and upleveling to your highest potential. If you're new here, my name's Alyssa and I am the owner and creator behind Alyssa Brick Studios, a brand and web design and conversion strategy studio, and I'm here to serve up all of the best tips and tricks on growing your business, scaling it with intention and even some of the messy parts that come along with that.

In our inaugural episode, in true 2021 fashion, I'm going to just give it to you. I'm going to throw out some value here for you guys. In today's episode, we're talking about three things that your website needs to convert in 2021. Now, you may be asking, "Alyssa, what does conversion mean?" Well, friends, let me tell you. Conversion basically means having your audience or your traffic actually follow through with the action that you're trying to get them to take. For example, if your goal is to get them to sign up for your email newsletter, if you get an audience member to sign up for that newsletter, that's a conversion.

a clear call to action

The main focus with most websites is that we want them to convert, right? We want them to make our traffic do what we want them to do. And usually that's either join our email list, book a call with us, or purchase a product. I want to break it down for you real quick, quick and dirty style, three things that your website needs to convert and convert well. The first thing is a clear call to action. Each page on your website needs to have a clear and concise call to action. And I recommend only one call to action per page. This is super important because we don't want to distract your people from getting to the place where you know they need to be. Getting that product or joining that program that's going to serve them truly the way that you know they need to be served.

A solid strategy

The second thing your website needs to truly convert and convert well is a good strategy. What I mean by that is either each page on your website needs to strategically be leading to the next step in the customer journey, whether that's to book a service, to fill out the contact form, to make it to your shot page. Whatever the goal may be, there should be a strategy to how you're linking your pages together and where you're leading that customer through the journey.

qualify your traffic

And the third and final thing I want to leave with you guys today is to make sure you're giving a clarifying statement in the hero section of your website. It's the very first section that populates when they type in your URL in their browser that is the most valuable section of your website, also known as above the fold, which refers to newspapers, what you see when they're folded. That's where that term came from. And that's the most valuable real estate on your website. You need to be clear about who you are and who you serve or who you are and what the thing that you produce is for and make that very, very clear immediately when someone lands on your website. This is crucial for conversion because what that's going to do is confirm that your traffic is in the right place. They've searched for you. They found you on Google. They found you on Pinterest and they're in the right spot when they click on your website.

I hope that was helpful. If you want seven more conversion strategies, I'll leave a link here to my free masterclass, 10 Things Your Website Needs to Convert. It's completely free. There's no pitch at the end. It's just value served up fresh for you guys. That is it for our very first podcast. My goal for these podcasts episodes is to keep them short, sweet, and very actionable. And I can't wait to have you along for the ride.

If you enjoyed this podcast about 3 Strategies to Help Your Website Convert, feel free to leave us a review. It helps us get more eyes on this podcast and join the fam on Instagram @alyssabrookestudios, and I would love to hang out with you over there. That's all for now, guys. And remember, if you can dream it, you can design it.

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